Rise Inside by Jeffrey van Houtum – Interieur Collectie Dagen
Easyfairs Netherlands

Rise Inside by Jeffrey van Houtum

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Summa College talent:
I am Jeffrey, 22 years old and come from Steensel, Netherlands. A good description of me is that I am a creative, driven and enthusiastic professional. I strive for perfection, I hold this in high regard. This is very important, because I believe that you should always strive for a better result than what you have already achieved. That way you continue to grow, not only as a professional, but also as a person.

I made the triptych for myself. When I finish my education, I want to start my own business in making (wooden) works of art. This work will eventually end up in my showroom when I am ready. That is why I wanted to make something with which I could show what skills I have. I think it is a beautiful profession, because I like to work with my hands. I am a creative person and I find it difficult to sit still. I am almost always busy making or thinking of something. I think the great thing about the profession is that you make a design with customers and then realise it. I think it is fantastic to see the happy faces of satisfied customers.

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