Gammalsvenska Klassiker 1850-1950 – Duro Sweden – Interieur Collectie Dagen
Dutch Wall Decor BV

Gammalsvenska Klassiker 1850-1950 – Duro Sweden

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Wallpapers can be found in almost every home, sometimes hidden several layers deep beneath more recent wall coverings. Fragments of old wallpapers emerge from time to time, evoking fond memories of days gone by. They tell us about the people who chose them – what they found attractive, and how they lived and worked.

In this collection, fragments from the past have been carefully selected and lovingly reworked into new wallpapers, creating memories for new generations. We have touched upon styles from four eras over the course of a century, from the elegant Swedish Empire style to ground-breaking functionalism. These wallpapers follow a consistent colour scheme that works just as well today as it did back then.

Gammalsvenska Klassiker 1850–1950 is the perfect collection for creating a personal, timeless home. Join us as we recreate older, much-loved wallpapers! Our journey begins in the mid-19th century.

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